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Structured Water Device
UMH Live - Water Structuring Device
UMH Master Pro – Water Structuring Device

Exclusive distributor of UMH water structure technology for North America

Our mission is to introduce you to this groundbreaking water structuring technology that revolutionizes how we heal and protect our body with one of life's most essential elements - water.

What is Structured Water?

Structured water is a unique arrangement of water molecules that occurs when water is naturally exposed to movement, minerals, and energy. Structured water’s unique molecular arrangement enhances bioavailability by facilitating better absorption of essential nutrients and hydration at the cellular level. 

This contributes to a more efficient and effective exchange of vital elements within your body’s intricate biochemical processes. Unlike conventional tap water, which often has a disorganized molecular structure due to processing and treatment, structured water exhibits a harmonious alignment of molecules. 

UMH technology is a game-changer in structured water molecules, realigning water to its original geometry and structure for enhanced vitality and wellness.

Structured Water Benefits

Cell Recovery

The organization of structured water is thought to facilitate better cellular communication, supporting the body`s natural healing processes and overall well-being.

Increased Detoxification

Structured water can lead to increased detoxification. Its improved bioavailability enables cells to flush out toxins more effectively, promoting a healthier internal environment. This enhanced detoxification can contribute to improved immune function and greater vitality.

Increased Bioavailability

The organized clusters in structured water allow for smoother passage through cell membranes, ensuring that nutrients are efficiently delivered to cells and waste products are effectively removed. This improved bioavailability optimizes the body's ability to utilize nutrients, promoting overall health and vitality.

Balanced Metabolism and Stress Response

Structured water may help regulate metabolic functions and alleviate stress. As a result, individuals may experience higher energy levels and a more resilient stress coping mechanism.

Read about what some of our satisfied customers have to say:


Structured water for home use

Structured water for home use

Structured water offers a cleaner and healthier alternative to other waters. Its organized molecular structure allows for better hydration and absorption by the body.

This structure helps trap and eliminate impurities often found in tap water, providing a refreshing and revitalizing drinking experience. Additionally, its enhanced bioavailability means that your body can make the most of the water`s nutrients, promoting overall wellness.

Structured water for commercial use

Structured water for commercial use holds numerous advantages, particularly in agriculture andcustomer-focused industries. When applied to crops, structured water can optimize nutrient absorption and plant health, leading to improved yields and quality. In customer-facing settings, such as hospitality and food services, the superior taste and purity of structured water can enhance customer satisfaction. Overall, structured water contributes to a healthier environment, benefiting both businesses and the
well-being of those they serve.

Structured Water For Commercial Use

Structured water for commercial use

Portable Water Structure Devices